SN Fan Award Nominees
Well, since I couldn't find much interest in the SGBA (Southern Gospel Blogger's Awards), I will give some of my opinions about the nominees for SG's reigning Award system.
Male Singer: Great to see Eric Bennett and Loren Harris recognized! Other traditional favorites like Gerald Wolfe (likely winner), Mark Trammell, and Arthur Rice also included with no surprise. A couple I would like to have seen nominated would be Josh Garner (awesome) and Jonathan Wilburn.
Female Singer: No big surprises here... I would have included Connie Hopper in my list.
Young Artist: There are some really great young artists included here! Very difficult to pick from these. I love Jason Waldroup, but how long is he eligible for this award? :D
Horizon Individual: Dan Keeton has to be the front-runner here (IMHO), he is doing just awesome!
Horizon Group: No contest here... Mercy's Mark in a landslide.
Tenor: Wow, this award would appear wide open this year. I would have included Dan Keeton in my top 10. Don't be surprised with a Greater Vision sweep in the "parts" awards.
Lead: Again, so much talent here that any of these men could win. I suspect and couldn't argue with Gerald Wolfe, but would probably choose J. Wilburn. Very surprised to not see Josh Garner on this list! Talk about under-appreciated.
Baritone: Another great group with any of the men deserving the award. The living legend, Mark Trammell, probably stands out the most.
Bass: This award should be just given to Gene McDonald until he decides he doesn't want any more! :D Seriously, this group is probably the best 10 bass singers ever nominated as a class.
Alto: How can you choose between some of these legends? Connie, Libbi, Debra would split my vote...
Soprano: Now that Janet Paschal has been eliminated and replaced with Tricia Cisneros (see here, and here) , I guess we know Tricia got the least votes of these 10. For my money though, she deserves the award. Tricia is VERY under-appreciated and very good. Kim Hopper is the likely winner though.
Soloist: I don't really have an opinion here. Don't listen to many soloists...
Trio: Is there any doubt? I guess stranger things have happened but Greater Vision seems to have a lock on this award. Mark Trammell, Booth, and Talley Trio could be dark horses though.
Mixed Quartet: A fairly "top-heavy" list, I would go with The Perrys again, but Hoppers are always a favorite.
Traditional Quartet: A top notch list. No slouches on this list and any one could win. My pick would be Gold City for this years work though. They are better than ever with quite a bit of change to cover.
Pianist: Sentimental favorite has to be Roger Bennett. He is very likely to win. This list is a group of incredible pianists though. I think Stewart Varnado's time has come.
Musician: Tim Lovelace. I mean come on... He can do it all.
Band: Toss up for me between Gold City and Kingdom Heirs, but Isaacs or Primitives probably best qualify.
Video: Haven't seen all these so I'll reserve comment.
Album: (album? really?) Some really good recordings here. I would have to go with Faces by Greater Vision. It is full of awesome music! ('course they all are, so I guess this is just my personal preference).
Songwriter: Another duh. Rodney Griffin can start walking when the presenters get on stage. This is an extremely talented bunch of songwriters though!
DJ's: No real opinion here.
That's my take, let me hear your opinion.
Male Singer: Great to see Eric Bennett and Loren Harris recognized! Other traditional favorites like Gerald Wolfe (likely winner), Mark Trammell, and Arthur Rice also included with no surprise. A couple I would like to have seen nominated would be Josh Garner (awesome) and Jonathan Wilburn.
Female Singer: No big surprises here... I would have included Connie Hopper in my list.
Young Artist: There are some really great young artists included here! Very difficult to pick from these. I love Jason Waldroup, but how long is he eligible for this award? :D
Horizon Individual: Dan Keeton has to be the front-runner here (IMHO), he is doing just awesome!
Horizon Group: No contest here... Mercy's Mark in a landslide.
Tenor: Wow, this award would appear wide open this year. I would have included Dan Keeton in my top 10. Don't be surprised with a Greater Vision sweep in the "parts" awards.
Lead: Again, so much talent here that any of these men could win. I suspect and couldn't argue with Gerald Wolfe, but would probably choose J. Wilburn. Very surprised to not see Josh Garner on this list! Talk about under-appreciated.
Baritone: Another great group with any of the men deserving the award. The living legend, Mark Trammell, probably stands out the most.
Bass: This award should be just given to Gene McDonald until he decides he doesn't want any more! :D Seriously, this group is probably the best 10 bass singers ever nominated as a class.
Alto: How can you choose between some of these legends? Connie, Libbi, Debra would split my vote...
Soprano: Now that Janet Paschal has been eliminated and replaced with Tricia Cisneros (see here, and here) , I guess we know Tricia got the least votes of these 10. For my money though, she deserves the award. Tricia is VERY under-appreciated and very good. Kim Hopper is the likely winner though.
Soloist: I don't really have an opinion here. Don't listen to many soloists...
Trio: Is there any doubt? I guess stranger things have happened but Greater Vision seems to have a lock on this award. Mark Trammell, Booth, and Talley Trio could be dark horses though.
Mixed Quartet: A fairly "top-heavy" list, I would go with The Perrys again, but Hoppers are always a favorite.
Traditional Quartet: A top notch list. No slouches on this list and any one could win. My pick would be Gold City for this years work though. They are better than ever with quite a bit of change to cover.
Pianist: Sentimental favorite has to be Roger Bennett. He is very likely to win. This list is a group of incredible pianists though. I think Stewart Varnado's time has come.
Musician: Tim Lovelace. I mean come on... He can do it all.
Band: Toss up for me between Gold City and Kingdom Heirs, but Isaacs or Primitives probably best qualify.
Video: Haven't seen all these so I'll reserve comment.
Album: (album? really?) Some really good recordings here. I would have to go with Faces by Greater Vision. It is full of awesome music! ('course they all are, so I guess this is just my personal preference).
Songwriter: Another duh. Rodney Griffin can start walking when the presenters get on stage. This is an extremely talented bunch of songwriters though!
DJ's: No real opinion here.
That's my take, let me hear your opinion.